The Gaffney House resurrected into a luxury rental property
Take a look inside the renovation.
September 18, 2023 • Katie Molck
For over 40 years the historic Gaffney House on River Road sat empty, deteriorating, and vulnerable to illegal parties, according to some locals.
But in 2020, area resident Dr. Galen Weiss purchased the early 20th century home built by prominent Louisville architect James J. Gaffney. With the help of WorK Architecture + Design and Wilkinson Builders Inc., they resurrected the landmark into a short-term rental property for events and overnight stays, which will cost renters about $1,200 per night.
The house is unique because its design is essentially a collection of Gaffney’s architectural career. “With Gaffney it was almost like he was finishing jobs and taking leftover pieces from the places he was working on and putting them into his house,” Archer said.
Fun fact: One of Gaffney’s biggest claims to architectural fame was the design of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium.
From delicate cathedral ceilings in one room to intricate crown molding that features a dog chasing a badger in another, the Gaffney House is a maximalist display of design.